There have been multiple reports of Apple planning to bring generative AI on phones, but the latest news from Financial Times shows that the next iPhones may have a greater focus on on-device generative AI instead of cloud processing.

According to the report, Apple is quitely ramping up its artificial intelligence expertise. This involves a strategic blend of acquiring new companies, onboarding specialized staff, and implementing hardware enhancements. The objective behind these maneuvers is to embed sophisticated AI features in the forthcoming iPhone models.

Research from industry sources, academic studies, and knowledge shared by insiders in the tech world all point towards a key focus of the California-based tech giant: solving the technical problem of effeciently running AI tasks on mobile devices

Apple has outpaced its major tech competitors in acquiring AI-focused start-ups. Since the start of 2017, the company has acquired an impressive 21 start-ups, as per data from PitchBook. The latest in this series of acquisitions is the 2023 purchase of WaveOne, a start-up based in California, renowned for its AI-driven video compression technology.

Sources familiar with the matter reveal that Apple is actively developing its proprietary large language models (LLMs). These are the foundational technologies behind generative AI products like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

In a discussion with analysts last summer, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook emphasized the company’s extensive research in diverse AI technologies. He highlighted Apple’s commitment to investing and innovating in this new realm with a responsible approach.

Apple has also been acquiring licenses to use copyrighted material for AI training purposes, hinting that the Cupertino giant has its own LLMs in the works. But unlike ChatGPT, reports claim that these AI models will be capable of running on mobile devices, namely the iPhones.

All of this evidence only points in one direction: Apple’s iPhone 16 will most likely bring more on-device generative AI compared to its rivals such as Google’s Pixel 8 or the recently launched Samsung Galaxy S24.

This would give iPhones several advatnages over its competition such as faster AI processing without the need for an internet connection. It would also consume no mobile data since its all happening locally on the device.

The iPhone 16 series is expected to launch in September this year and we hope to hear more as the launch date draws near.