Perplexity AI, the AI-powered conversational search engine has announced different improvements for its products, including the addition of images and videos to search results. The feature is just live on Preplexity’s web app and is expected to be made available on the mobile apps in the near future. The images are available at the bottom of search results in the Answer part and the videos in Quick Search part at the top as small buttons. The videos can be played on Preplexity, without having to leave its web app.

The startup that raised $25.6 million at a valuation of $150 million earlier this year, has also made changes to its iOS app including performance upgrades. The app now syncs threads (questions a user has asked Preplexity) across devices and allow users to set language preference. The Chrome extension of Preplexity has also been updated with a fresh look and faster speed.

The Popular Now tab on the web app has been renamed to “Discover,” which the company’s co-founder and CEO, Aravind Srinivas, said will evolve into something more personalized for users. What this means is that the users will be able to discover new threads based on their previous engagement with the app.

In addition to all these enhancments and upgrades, Preplexity has also launched a Llama Chat that’s powered by Meta’s very recently released LLM Llama 2.