Amazon’s cloud computing service, AWS (Amazon Web Services), is reportedly planning to make use of the booming field of generative AI to catch up with its biggest cloud rivals, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

AWS had been perceived to be lagging behind its biggest competitors, but at its annual AWS Re:Invent conference this week, Amazon aims to unveil its ambitious vision for generative AI. Amazon plans to showcase how companies can use generative AI to construct innovative and distinct applications by incorporating various models and data sources.

Amazon AWS’s vice president of Data and AI, Swami Sivasubramanian, painted a detailed picture of what to expect from Amazon’s upcoming keynote while speaking to VentureBeat in an interview on Monday. Sivasubramanian is responsible for supervising the company’s AWS database, analytics, machine learning, and generative AI services.

Sivasubramanian emphasized that the primary focus on generative AI revolves around enterprises desiring flexibility and choice in working with various models from different providers. The goal is to avoid being constrained to a single vendor or platform.

He pointed out that while the models themselves may not suffice to maintain a competitive edge, businesses can differentiate themselves by leveraging their proprietary data. The key lies in integrating this data with models to create unique applications.

According to Sivasubramanian, the Re:Invent conference will focus on two main topics, providing customers access to a diverse array of generative AI models through its Bedrock service, and enhancing data management tools for customers to construct and implement their own generative AI applications seamlessly.

He mentioned that his keynote will delve into the “inherent symbiotic relationship” between data and generative AI. The focus will be on illustrating how generative AI not only derives benefits from data but also contributes to enhancing and improving databases and data systems in a reciprocal fashion.

Overall, the event is going to highlight Bedrock apps in less than a minute, more LLM choices, Vector database expansions, generative AI applications, zero ETL (extract, transform, load), secure generative AI customization at the cloud, and generative AI chip innovations.